VETERINARY: computed radiology Equipment

Fujifilm FCR Prima-T2

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Fujifilms NEW FCR Prima-T2

The Prima-T is FujiFilm's newest edition to the CR family. It is a table-top reader that is light and compact. The size of the unit is 22" x 21.5" x 15" and only 86 lbs! It has a processing speed of up to 47 14x17 IP's / hour. Although compact, it has excellent image quality, just like the XL-2 and other FCR units by FujiFilm. Featuring Image Intelligence: FujiFilm's proprietary image processing technology, enhances image contrast and sharpness, without any deterioration of details. 


Fuji offers 'Image Intelligence' on all of their units, to help ensure your image is optimal:

  • Multi-objective Frequency Processing (MFP): This improves visibility of both dense and peripheral tissue by applying varying degrees of contrast and spatial frequency to different-sized structures within the same image.
  • Dynamic Range Control (DRC) also improves the visibility of both dense and peripheral tissue with difficult areas like the mediastinum on thoracic exams.
  • Flexible Noise Control (FNC) extracts noise data and suppresses noise level from images so scans do not lose their sharpness or appear grainy.
  • Grid Pattern Removal (GPR) automatically detects grid patterns and removes them from images. Ridding your scan of a moire pattern.


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