Chiropractic: computed radiology Equipment

Fujifilm Prima-T2

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Fujifilms NEW FCR Prima-T2

The Prima-T is Fujifilm's table-top reader that is light and compact. The size of the unit is 22" x 21.5" x 15" and only 86 lbs! It has a processing speed of up to 47 14x17 IP's / hour. Although compact, it has excellent image quality, just like the XL-2 and other FCR units by Fujifilm. Featuring Image Intelligence: FujiFilm's proprietary image processing technology, enhances image contrast and sharpness, without any deterioration of details. 


Fuji offers 'Image Intelligence' on all of their units, to help ensure your image is optimal:

  • Multi-objective Frequency Processing (MFP): This improves visibility of both dense and peripheral tissue by applying varying degrees of contrast and spatial frequency to different-sized structures within the same image.
  • Dynamic Range Control (DRC) also improves the visibility of both dense and peripheral tissue with difficult areas like the mediastinum on thoracic exams.
  • Flexible Noise Control (FNC) extracts noise data and suppresses noise level from images so scans do not lose their sharpness or appear grainy.
  • Grid Pattern Removal (GPR) automatically detects grid patterns and removes them from images. Ridding your scan of a moire pattern.


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FDX Console


The heart of every FCR and FDR system

The FDX Console represents the culmination of Fujifilm's extensive experience in image and information processing.  The sophisticated interface is intuitive and customizable, and enables fast, easy exam completion and image optimization.


we promise a consistent, worry-free experience

At LS X-Ray, we hire the best engineers and work with the best vendors to provide a consistent, worry-free experience for your equipment’s lifetime. Let us handle the stress of designing, sourcing, and servicing x-ray equipment so you can focus on what you do best.


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